Crafts are my passion, Cats are my obsession

My crafting adventures, my cats, my dogs, my opinons - I never did keep a diary as a child, but I'm doing it now!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Pink sock one

All but the grafting is done.

I can hardly wait to knit up the second sock and start wearing them.  I'm not sure why, but at first, I was afraid the sock would be too big and end up slouchy.  But it seems to fit just fine.  (Maybe my leg fluctuates?)

I still have a lot to try to knit through before the end of the week, to meet my goals.  I dont' think I managed to learn anything new this month :(

Finger is coming along.  And there just isn't much to watch on TV!  I tried reading a book that I got from the library - couldn't get into it. Just a new series/author I was going to try out.  On some of the forums and/or groups I'm in, people will discuss books and book series they are reading.  Some sound good, so I give them a try.  Sometimes, that is a good thing, and I find a new author to follow.  Other times - just can't seem to get into them.  I'll sometimes give the books a second try in the future, since a lot might depend on my personal mood at the time.  But this is one that I think just doesn't appeal.  Called Dark Spell.

So  - I know, another short post.  Time to get off my butt and do some "blog fodder" research; start looking for ideas to talk about.  I guess I don't have to - I mean, I'm not trying to turn this into a forum or discussion or controversy site.  But it is someplace for me to sort out my feelings and ideas on a topic.  As well as share cute animal stories and share pictures and trials and tribulations of my knitting and crocheting and other crafting.  Yes, that is right, I do other crafts as well.  I quilt.  I needlepoint. I tat.  I do latch hook.  I spin.  I play around making some jewelry.  I sew.  I quill.  I do plastic canvas.  I paint. I draw. I cross stitch.  I do a lot of things - woodwork, carve, sculpt...

I just do some things more than I do others.  And I guess because it's the one I learned first, knitting tends to be the one I do most often and is my first love.  But I also learned latch hook, embroidery and weaving from my mother way back when.

Maybe that is what I can try to do before the end of the  month - learn/practice a new skill in another of my crafts.... (I *have* been planning to get into needlefelting, or practice my spinning..... - read an article about recycling yarn from sweaters in the current Spin-Off, and they mentioned plying two yarns reclaimed from sweaters to make a bulkier and interesting coloured yarn - to me, that sounds like a good way to get in some wheel practice)


  • At 10:48 p.m., Anonymous Cindy from Dallas said…

    I think you are using your blog just fine... It is all for you, and we/I just enjoy the little peak into your life.

    You are my kind of woman! I have quite a few hobbies my self, and like you, some get more easily attention then others, but I enjoy all of them. And that is the most important part, isn't it? That is why they are our hobbies after all.

    I must have missed the current issue of Spin-Off. Hmm I might have to try to track it down, because that sounds like a very interesting article, and like you say, a great way to practice...


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