Short crafty update....
Was away for a while - then doing the usual "ketchup".... Then got some bad bad news.... then heat....
So - I haven't been doing much crafting!! I finished a dishcloth, which I left out at the cabin. It was from the monthly dishcloth group, our "mid June Kal"... Interesting cloth - knit from the outside - in. The July first cloth was the dolphin one, that I just did, so I didn't do it again. That sort of happened before - The way the group works, is - there are two mystery patterns. For the beginning of the month, starting on the first, you get 6 to 8 lines of a pattern each day. The cloth ends up being sort of a "theme" for the month. Then, on the 16th, you get a second cloth starting - same way, few lines a day - only this time, it is a technique stretcher. So....
I was really excited when I started with that group, and knitted along daily.... And the first cloth I did with them, was the watering can dishcloth. That was right after I knitted two watering can dishcloths for a gift.... (the housewarming for the friend's daughter a few months ago? - scroll back through the archives....think it was April). So.... I've been a bit more cautious about jumping in on the first of the month mysteries.... lol....
But - I must admit, if I'd waited... I wouldn't have made the round dishcloth ever, and I really like the way that turned out. So.... I'll definitely make sure I make the mid month cloths. Anyway... here's the June midmonth:
I've also been slowly, slowly, slowly knitting away at the various lace shawls I have going. No progress pics - haven't taken any lately - but also haven't knit a lot else lately..... We've had super high temps lately. In the 30 to 35 C range. Ok, so that is.... uh.... I used to be able to do this in my head.... somewhere in the 90 to 100 F area. (glad the computer has a calculator on it!) Then, add the humidity, and you find me and the DH hanging out in our garage with a fan instead of in the house.... And the cats hang out in the basement, and the dogs hang out in the garage with us. Who ever said animals were dumb?
But that isn't too terribly good weather for knitting.... So, instead, I was reading a biography. About Dr. Charlotte Ross, called "The Iron Rose". Fascinating living history.....
As for the bad news I got? Well.... Those of you who've been around the knitting groups for a while, especially the sock knitting groups, also know the bad news.... Those of you who read my blog and know me from other groups/'ll just have to wait. I'm not quite ready to divulge all at this's difficult for me, for one thing, and I'm just not ready....
So. That's where I'm up to, or not... OH!! I've been really practicing my drop spinning - still mostly park-and-draft, but starting to do a little true drop spinning before I have to park :) Practice, practice, practice!!!!!!
At 9:05 p.m.,
Pamela Foreman said…
I love the star in yellow! Makes me think of the beach! I did mine in a varigated red, white and blue. I plan on making more for next 4th of July to hang around the house or place on the table when we have our cookout. Hope everything is okay! Love your pics of the projects!
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