Crafts are my passion, Cats are my obsession

My crafting adventures, my cats, my dogs, my opinons - I never did keep a diary as a child, but I'm doing it now!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Some stuff....

So, I had to wash some doilies/coasters I had made some time ago. Couple years, at least.... After washing, I blocked them, and took pictures:
These are called "Starflower Coaster" and they are from a free pattern on the net. You can see the one on the left, I sort of never got around to weaving in the end.... But, it is done now. :)

I made a doily once - I couldn't find a doily pattern I liked at the time. You know, how sometimes, you want to make something, and even though you've collected patterns that you like and everything, but that particular day, nothing seems interesting? Well, that was my problem. I was going through my Magic or Decorative Crochet magazines, couldn't find "the" doily to make.... Then, the idea hit.... There was a vest thing, that I would never make or wear, but that had an interesting motif. The garment was done in size 30 thread, and I figured, well, a single motif in size 10 should make a nice doily.....

Ok, so my pinning isn't always perfect.... But the pattern is quite nice :) (one of these days, I'll break down and invest in one of those official doily blocking boards with all the lines printed on it, so you can start out symmetrical, instead of pinning and repinning and then pinning again to make it look even.....)

A more recent doily finish:

Kitty doily. Was a doily of the month project that I didn't finish in the time frame.... I was working on this one in the hospital with DH a few weeks back. I think I'm going to get it framed... Maybe. But I washed and blocked it and then..... (One of these days, I gotta invest in a blocking board.....)

Knitting: well, I've been working on some dishcloths, and some socks. I've got a sock in progress, working on the foot. Wool sock, warm one, dyed with food colour. Bright yellow, and I couldn't leave it solid colour- oh, no, not me!!! I had to play.... I added some green at one end. Took it out of the dye bath before all colour exhausted, though, because the green was really wicking into the yellow. So, I have a bit more green than I would have originally wanted, but they sure are bright!!! I haven't taken pictures of all the dishcloths, either. I've been knitting my way through a dishcloth leaflet, 15 heart patterns. I wanted to make each one, because I wanted to see what they all looked like and worked up like, in case I could use them for afghan squares, too.... :) I plan to take pictures of them when I have finished the last one... today or tomorrow that will happen.

Socks off the needles: Sixth Sense Socks from the Six Sox Knitalong group :) I love these socks. Still hate the yarn, but the socks are great. Finished knitting them Friday night, weaving in ends Saturday morning, then I wore them all day Saturday. Nice socks...

Now, while I stand by my convictions and will not ever again buy any of that horrid yarn - I really don't like it for a lot of reasons - I must admit - I made no effort to match starting point or anything like that. I don't mind fraternal socks at all... Remember the Rhodonite STR socks? LOL..... One sock colour pooled, one striped.... Anyway, I just knit one Sixth Sense Sock, then cut the yarn, finished off the toe, etc. Then I cast on for the second sock, right there in that spot in the yarn, and - well.....

I got twins.... I know, they are just far enough apart, but if you look, compare the purple bit on the heel, the way the turquoise is on the toes... count and compare the turquoise stripes.... They really are the same!!! Don't know how, but find it fascinating, lol....

So... That's all I've accomplished lately. Oh, and I've got most of the kitty collection back onto the three sets of bookshelves in my living room. I've added to the collection since taking down the one bookshelf, so I've got a couple leftovers that need new homes.... Or I'll weed out the non-kitty decor a little more... I already did remove a few non-kitty items. Things that I did sort of like, at one time, but they don't really fit.... They'll be heading off to freecycle or something soon. But the kitty collection is back in view!!! I've missed some of those pieces - especially my cat drop spindle!!

Laundry day today (yuck) so I will keep this short. Maybe I'll take some pics of the shelves next time I'm doing progress shots.... I hope to get the dishcloths finished, and pictured up, and I should get a few more rows done on a gift afghan - too small right now to really take a nice picture. Can't see much at this stage....

I'll leave you with one more shot - the old girl - my "Rock" - the one that I've always said was stubborn enough to outlive all the other animals.... Roxy. She's passed her 18th birthday now....(I got her at 8 weeks old in the first week of June, 1988)


  • At 9:19 p.m., Blogger Pennie said…

    beautiful shawl . . . cute blog :)

  • At 1:33 a.m., Blogger G’s Creative Korner said…

    Nice to meet you, and thanks for your comment on my blog. I LOVE your doilies! Wish I could do them but the time will come when I have the patience.



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