Crafts are my passion, Cats are my obsession

My crafting adventures, my cats, my dogs, my opinons - I never did keep a diary as a child, but I'm doing it now!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

My Blog Birthday :)

Wow. My blog is three years old. And I've soooo neglected it this summer!!!

Ravelry has eaten some of my time - though I've been neglecting that, too...

Being away whenever we could through the summer, and working, took more computer time away....

And Casablanca was the biggest drain on my time. Knitting, testing, ripping.... graphing, typing, retyping....

And now I need to buy a program to create slightly more professional looking graphs/pattern so I can offer it for sale.

I did some other knitting - don't have pictures ready to share yet, and one I forgot to take a picture of at all :(

Over the summer, I made a doggy blanket, two kitty blankets, a pair of socks for a friend, two pair of baby booties that I sort of adapted some designing (and those I forgot to do the photo of!) and started a few more socks and sweaters. I'm almost finished a baby blanket in crochet that needed to be done for July of '08. Yeah, I know - late late late.....

I also did some projects for work - no photos of them, either. Since they are work related....

I got to teach a beginning sock workshop, and will be teaching an advanced sock workshop next month...

I get the grandkids every morning before school now, too.... they should be here by now, but seem to be running late....

Tomorrow there is no school, so hopefully, I'll have a bit more time to share :)

I'll try to do better at keeping up with the blog from now on!


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