Crafts are my passion, Cats are my obsession

My crafting adventures, my cats, my dogs, my opinons - I never did keep a diary as a child, but I'm doing it now!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Some bloggers...... a wordless Wednesday. I am not quite that quiet, lol. But, one of my favourite things from our trip:
The bathroom (heck, the entire room) was done in marble tile. They had plants growing in the bathroom... and that tub. Now, I am not a fan of showers. I never really have been. I have a shower now and again, like, maybe once every two years or so. Maybe once a year. But I bathe regularly. This tub, in the hotel room - well, I know I'm short (5'1") but... I could lay down in this tub corner to corner....

Who needs a pool when you can swim in the tub? :)


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