Crafts are my passion, Cats are my obsession

My crafting adventures, my cats, my dogs, my opinons - I never did keep a diary as a child, but I'm doing it now!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Where I'm at....

Well, I've actually fallen out of love with a project.

I started out enthusiastic enough. The whole idea was a good one. The problem isn't with the pattern(s). The problem is with me.... I know, because I gave it a time out, and it still doesn't want to be knitted.

I'm referring, sadly, to the bugs in the pi shawl. It is a "mystery" type shawl, in that there are clues for each section put up at intervals, and there are several choices for each section, and everyone picks a different combination of choices, making each shawl a unique "mystery" until it is done. I do want to *have* a buggy shawl, one day, but now is not the time for it. So, I'll continue to collect clues, and maybe give the shawl a few months or years for a time out.

Now, though - do I cut the yarn, saving what I've knit so far? Do I frog? Hmmm.....

So, instead, I've been working on the Victorian Lace socks from the six sox group. And I've been working on the granny squares for me afghan. I have...uh, just a sec while I count... I have fourteen squares completed ready to join, and I have 16 squares waiting for the white rounds to be added. I haven't woven in ends on all of those squares yet - 6 completed have all ends woven, and I still need to weave ends in eight or so squares before adding the white. I hate weaving in ends....

I also completed (or did I already mention it?) the egg socks. I just need to finish typing up the directions. I am not a typist, as I've mentioned here many times (which is why I dont' post more often - takes too long, especially those posts where I ramble a little!)

I still haven't figured out what I did wrong to end up with my sidebar things on the bottom. I might try something, though....

Uh... Suddenly, my mind went blank.... I know I wanted to say more.

Oh, well...maybe I'll post again later, or tomorrow morning.... :)


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